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America’s Premier Preschool
Fitness & Health Program

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Pre-Fit & Gym-N-Class

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About Pre-Fit

America’s Premier Preschool Fitness Program..,

Welcome to Pre-Fit - Welcome to Pre-Fit Land, where our work to build healthier bodies and brighter minds through cognitive play began in 1987. Pre-Fit offers well planned and coordinated programs of Health and Physical Education designed to contribute in a number of ways to all phases of individual development. Pre-Fit’s programs represent that phase of education concerned with the teaching of skills, acquisition of knowledge, and development of attitudes through physical movement. All activities are age appropriate, designed for preschool and school-age children, aligned with Early Learning Standards, include healthy living elements, and include an intentional component for individualized instruction. The belief that early childhood and elementary education should promote emotional, mental, physical, and social abilities because each of these depends on the other is a Pre-Fit cornerstone. However, there seems to be a general assumption that because children are basically active that they need little or no guidance in developing their physical skills to the fullest or in getting enough exercise to stay fit and healthy. This simply is not true as demonstrated by the onset of childhood overweight and childhood obesity that has escalated over the past few decades. For over 35 years Pre-Fit Programs and Programming has help our Youngest Learners develop their:

• Gross Motor Skills
• Eye/Hand Coordination
• Body Balance
• Improved Posture
• Enhanced Health Awareness
• Increased Confidence & Emotional Maturity
• Listening Skills
• Create a Desire to be Physically Fit

Pre-Fit provides a fun and necessary outlet for energetic children and encourages those not so active students to get moving! Each session begins with a contralateral exercise and aerobic routine, followed by that lesson’s sports or health activity, and ends with a cool-down, and self-esteem session to help children destress and prepare for new learning - All grounded in research supported best practices. We found that Pre-Fit programs act upon young learners in the same way that sunlight acts upon an unopened flower – both have a blossoming effect 😊 Let's Talk!


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    10926 S Western Ave
    Chicago, IL. 60643

  • Phone

    773 233 7771

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